The Moon has once again become an important destination for space activities. Impact crater studies are an essential aspect of understanding the Moon's history and many craters have been proposed for future landing sites. The Lunar Crater Consortium is a venue through which lunar crater researchers can share their results, coordinate their efforts, identify software tools of use to the community, and discuss observations necessary for addressing outstanding questions about lunar impact craters.
The 1st meeting of the Lunar Crater Consortium will be held Monday, September 28, 2009, at the US Geological Survey in Flagstaff, Arizona. This one-day meeting will be an organizational meeting of the Consortium dedicated to identifying the issues of interest to the lunar crater community. The meeting precedes the 12th Mars Crater Consortium meeting (Sept. 29-30) at the same location and participants are invited to attend both meetings.
The field trip around the rim of Meteor Crater on Sunday, Sept. 27, is now full.
The Lunar Crater Consortium occurs during the Flagstaff Festival of Sciences, a 10-day event highlighting science conducted in the Flagstaff area. Apollo 12 astronaut Alan Bean will be the Shoemaker Keynote Lecturer on Friday, Sept. 25, at 7 PM at Northern Arizona University. Dr. Lisa Gaddis (USGS) will be speaking about "Return to the Moon" on Monday, Sept. 28, at 7 PM and a field trip to the Apollo Training Site near Flagstaff is scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 27, from 1-5 PM The schedule for the Flagstaff Festival of Science is available at
Further details of the 1st Lunar Crater Consortium meeting can be obtained here.
Last Updated September 24, 2009